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infochroma ag has been a reliable partner in the production and trade of consumables for chemistry, pharmacy and industry for over 50 years.
Our products at ilmac: Vials with tamper-evident closure, Halo Fused-Core columns for environmental analysis and isomer separation, label printer for the lab.
Besuchen Sie uns an der Ilmac 2021 in der Halle 1.1 Stand C173. Wir zeigen unser umfassendes Vial & Flaschenprogramm, Laborglas, HALO Fused-Core Säulen und Salli Sattelstühle.
VMax-Vial and nG-Vial featuring tamper-evident closure and optimised microsampling. Produced from Schott tubular glass.
HALO® 15 year celebration: Method development kit with 3 analytical columns of different selectivity for the price of 2.